How To Renew A Lagos State Money Lender’s License

How To Renew A Lagos State Money Lender’s License

June 17, 2022

The Money Lenders License granted in Lagos to lenders has a one year duration period, this means its usually valid between January 1st to December 31st yearly. This therefore the lenders have to renew their lenders license each year irrespective of the month license was granted

The procedure required to renew a lenders license in Lagos is similar with obtaining a lenders license initially with few minor changes. These steps include;

  1. Obtaining of Magistrate Court Form, A and B
  2. Payment of the renewal fee of N100, 000
  3. Application for the renewal of Lenders license addressed to the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Lagos State and submission of all necessary documents including a copy of the previous issued License.
  4. Updated Tax Clearance
  5. 3-6 Months account statement of the lender.
  6. Tax clearance certificate/ evidence of payment of Company Income Tax
  7. A Copy of the lender’s Incorporation Documents
  8. Inspection of the Lender’s office and books by the officers for the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  9. Verification of all documents tendered.
  10. Approval of Lenders License renewal application.

After these steps are taken and approval is granted, a certificate of renewal is issued to the Lender.

Team 618 Bees

618 Bees can quickly and easily help you renew your Lagos State Money Lending License. Log on to our website or email, or give us a call on +2349017190079. 618 Bees will complete your application with the Lagos Ste ministry of Home Affairs.


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    This is the part of the agreement where the witness attests to have witnessed the execution of the agreement.

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    Nothing, the purchased form will be in your account for future use.


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    No, its not legal. This is because the law prohibits anyone from transferring the data of a third party to another person without consent from the third party to do same even if the data was rightfully obtained in the first instance.

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    1. It gives commercial value to the owner.
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    Any two adults can be directors in a company.

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    No, a trademark search does not automatically reserve that which is sought to be trademarked. A search ascertains whether that which is sought to be trademarked is available or violates any existing trademark.

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