What is CERPAC and when is it necessary in Nigeria?

What is CERPAC and when is it necessary in Nigeria?

February 22, 2024

What is CERPAC?

CERPAC is an acronym that stands for Combined Expatriate Residence Permit and Aliens Card. It is a document that serves as a form of identification and authorisation for foreign nationals who intend to reside or work in Nigeria.

Who qualifies for CERPAC?

Expatriates seeking to reside or work in Nigeria are qualified to apply for and be issued CERPAC by the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS).

Under the regulation laid down to govern the issue of CERPAC, certain categories of persons are entitled to be issued a CERPAC gratis. These exempted persons include:

  • Diplomats
  • Government Officials
  • Niger-wives
  • Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

How to Obtain a CERPAC in Nigeria

The procedure for obtaining CERPAC follows the usual process of application, verification and grant of the Card. However, an application for CERPAC must be accompanied by certain documents to show eligibility.

  • Expatriate quota approval
  • International passport with Subject to Regulation (STR) visa endorsement
  • A duly completed CERPAC statutory form
  • An STR package containing STR documentation received from the Nigerian embassy/consulate
  • Application letter from the employer requesting regularization of stay and accepting Immigration Responsibility (IR) on behalf of the expatriate.
  • Letter of Appointment/Employment
  • Acceptance of the offer of Appointment/Employment.
  • Payment of prescribed fees
  • Bio-metric data

What are the processing fees applicable?

The fees are subject to constant change depending on the NIS; hence, prospective applicants must confirm with the NIS for more recent prices.

What is the validity period of a CERPAC? 

Once issued, a CERPAC may be valid for up to 2 years, subject to renewal.

  • It is also worthy of note that the possession of a CERPAC Green Card does not exempt a person from the requirement to possess a valid re-entry visa. In any case, where such a person plans to leave Nigeria, they must apply for a re-entry permit prior to their departure.

An application for CERPAC usually follows an application for and approval of expatriate quota for a company, seeking to employ foreigners in Nigeria.

Essentially, it is important for prospective applicants to consult with qualified professionals in order to ensure that their applications are within the parameters of the requirements laid down by the NIS.

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