How to remove a Trustee from your Non-profit Organisation in Nigeria

How to remove a Trustee from your Non-profit Organisation in Nigeria

November 02, 2021

The Companies and Allied Matters Act Cap LN 2020 Sec 834 provides that Where a body or association intends to replace some or all its trustees or to appoint additional trustees, it may by resolution at a general meeting do so and apply in the prescribed form for the approval of the Commission.

Although, the wordings of CAMA did not state removal, it is the same procedure for replacement and appointment that happens with the removal of a trustee from an organisation.

For a Trustee to be removed, the provision states that a resolution must first be passed at the general meeting of the Organisation. After the resolution is passed, the Organisation is to apply for the removal of the Trustee in the prescribed form.

The organisation will do a newspaper advert on two national dailies to inform the public of the likely changes. The time frame for the advert is 28days and such would be displayed on the entrance of the organisation headquarters or branches where members are more likely to see it for 28days. The publication and notice shall call for objections if any. Where there is an objection, it shall be reported to the Commission. Where there are no objections after 28days, the commission would effect the change so applied for.

Team 618 Bees



618 Bees can quickly and easily help you file an application for the removal/appointment of a Trustee for your organization in Nigeria. Log on to our website or email, or give us a call on +2349017190079. 618 Bees will complete your application with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).


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