Monthly expatriate quota report requirement in Nigeria

Monthly expatriate quota report requirement in Nigeria

February 22, 2024

What is a monthly expatriate report?

The concept of Monthly Expatriate Report is used in reference to Expatriate Quota, which is granted to companies or organisations to enable them engage the services of expatriate personnel with skills and qualifications not readily available in Nigeria.

Every company which operates with the grant of expatriate quota is required to submit a monthly quota return to the Federal Ministry of Interior (FMOI) detailing the status of the expatriate quota granted to it.

Why must the report be filed?

The report is expected to provide comprehensive information including the details on the utilization of the expatriate positions and other information necessary to help the FMOI monitor and enforce the implementation of the expatriate quota system.

How is the monthly expatriate report filed?

The monthly quota returns were filed manually in the past, but the returns are now filed electronically via the FMOI eCITIBIZ portal by a company that has an approved expatriate quota.

When is the expatriate report to be filed?

The expatriate report must be filed monthly. The report of the preceding month must be filed within the first 10 days of the following month.

For the purpose of ensuring compliance, the FMOI has imposed penalties for companies which fail to file the monthly return within a specific period after it becomes due. By a public notice issued by the FMOI, companies which fail to file their monthly report from January 2024 shall be liable to penalties as follows:

After the first 10 days –        NGN100,000

After 20 days –                      NGN150,000

After 25 days –                      NGN200,000

The monthly expatriate report is simply a means for the FMOI to keep track of all approved expatriate quotas, and ensure that they are properly utilised. To this end, it is important for companies to adhere to the measures in place, no matter how difficult, in order to avoid any inconvenience and penalties.

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Frequently Asked

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    It is a mandatory statutory requirement under the Companies and Allied Matters Act to file Annual Returns yearly. 

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    • A business name is a sole proprietorship, usually owned and managed by one individual only. Legally, the sole proprietor and his business are one. It simply means an individual trading with an alias. The sole proprietor is personally liable for all business related obligations.

    • A limited liability company on the other hand is a separate business entity from the individuals that hold its shares and act as directors. Legally, it’s a separate business entity and a person on its own who can transact business, own property separate from its owners and can sue or be sued. 

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    • an offer and an acceptance.
    • competent parties
    • Consideration
    • Legal subject matter
    • Mutual agreement/ Assent
    • Conesus ad idem
    • Obligation
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    The product categories include: Food, Cosmetics, Drug, Medical Device, Agro-Chemicals & Pesticide, Veterinary Products, Vaccines & Biologicals, Herbal and Nutraceuticals and Water

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    This is any information that can be used to identify an identifiable human person such passport photograph.

  • What is eligible for Patent registration?

    Patents are granted for the invention of products or processes. However, for it to be patentable, the invention

    • Must be new,
    • Must have an inventive step that is not obvious to someone with knowledge and experience in the subject,
    • Must be capable of being made or used in some kind of industry and not be, a scientific or mathematical discovery, theory or method, a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, a way of performing a mental act, playing a game or doing business, the presentation of information, or some computer programs, an animal or plant variety, a method of medical treatment or diagnosis,
    • And must not be against public policy or morality.
  • What will happen if I buy the wrong category of forms with NAFDAC?

    Nothing, the purchased form will be in your account for future use.


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    To register a business in Nigeria; you would need to conduct a name search of the business. You can achieve this using your CAC-CRP account.

  • Can I trademark my logo and name separately? Why is this a good idea?

    Yes you can. The advantage is that it gives you the opportunity to have more than one logo or the opportunity to change your logo easily as opposed to registering the name and the logo as one trademark.

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