How to change a proprietor’s signature on the Business Name Form

How to change a proprietor’s signature on the Business Name Form

March 03, 2020

To change a proprietor’s signature on a Business Name Form, please follow the procedure below;

  1. Write an application letter to the Registrar General of the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) stating your reason and intention to change your signature.
  2. Swear or Affirm to an affidavit that you are the proprietor and that you intend to change your signature.
  3. Fill in a new Business Name Form and sign with your new signature.
  4. Make sure you have your Annual Returns Filing updated.
  5. Pay for the Process (Change of Proprietor’s signature)

After the above process, submit the documents alongside the old Business Name Form at the Corporate Affairs Commission office for the process to be concluded.

There you have it. Changing a proprietor’s signature is easy and achievable.

618 Bees can help you quickly and easily change the signature on your Business Name Form. Log on to our website www.618bees.comor email, or give us a call on +2349017190079. 618 Bees will complete the process with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).




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Frequently Asked

  • Why must I file Annual Returns?

    It is a mandatory statutory requirement under the Companies and Allied Matters Act to file Annual Returns yearly. 

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    To register a business in Nigeria; you would need to conduct a name search of the business. You can achieve this using your CAC-CRP account.

  • What are the terms of a contract?
    • an offer and an acceptance.
    • competent parties
    • Consideration
    • Legal subject matter
    • Mutual agreement/ Assent
    • Conesus ad idem
    • Obligation
  • When can I start renewal of the registration of my product(s) with NAFDAC?

    You can start renewal 6 months to the date of expiry.

  • Can I use the data collected legally for one purpose for another purpose?

    No, you can’t use the data collected for one purpose for a different purpose.

  • How long does a trademark registration in Nigeria Last?

    Trademark is valid for seven years from the date of application but you may renew the application for the trademark for an additional period of 14years.

  • Is there a penalty for late renewal of registration of products with NAFDAC?

    Yes, there is a late renewal fee, which is dependent on the category of the product.

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    A minimum number of one (1) adult director is required to form a company.

  • Can I trademark my logo and name separately? Why is this a good idea?

    Yes you can. The advantage is that it gives you the opportunity to have more than one logo or the opportunity to change your logo easily as opposed to registering the name and the logo as one trademark.

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