How to Remove a Deceased Company Director in Nigeria

How to Remove a Deceased Company Director in Nigeria

September 04, 2023


  • Public limited companies are required to have atleast two directors at all times. In the event a director dies, the shareholders must appoint a second director as soon as possible.
  • If the deceased director was also a shareholder, the existing shareholders or directors will authorize the transfer of the deceased director’s shares. The shares of the deceased will need to be transferred in accordance with:
  1. The Will of the deceased i.e if one was put in place prior to the demise of the deceased director.
  2. The rule of intestacy, this will be when no will has been put in place
  3. Any provisions outlined in the Shareholders Agreement or the company’s articles.
  • A deceased director can be removed by an ordinary resolution adopted at a shareholder’s meeting by persons entitled to exercise voting rights in the election of that director. The effective date of the removal of the deceased director is when the Board resolves to remove the deceased director. This date does not have to be the date of the death of the deceased director.
  • 288 (4) CAMA 2020;

“A vacancy created by the removal of a director under this section, if not filled at the meeting at which he is removed, may be filled as a casual vacancy.”

  • If a company has more than one director, the remaining director(s) may decide to take on the responsibilities of the deceased director and continue to run the business as usual. Alternatively, the company shareholders may wish to appoint a new director immediately to minimize the pressure on the surviving directors.
  • The options available to the personal representatives of the deceased will depend on the terms outlined in the company’s articles.

Team 618 Bees


618 Bees can quickly and easily help you remove a deceased company director with the CAC. Log on to our website or email, or give us a call on +2349017190079/08080819653. 618 Bees will complete your application with the both the CAC.



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  • What additional documents do I require to file my Annual Returns?
  • What is the first thing I must do to register a business in Nigeria?

    To register a business in Nigeria; you would need to conduct a name search of the business. You can achieve this using your CAC-CRP account.

  • What are the terms of a contract?
    • an offer and an acceptance.
    • competent parties
    • Consideration
    • Legal subject matter
    • Mutual agreement/ Assent
    • Conesus ad idem
    • Obligation
  • What will happen if I buy the wrong category of forms with NAFDAC?

    Nothing, the purchased form will be in your account for future use.


  • What is classified as personal data?

    Name, photograph, personal health/bio information, account/financial information, phone number, Address, date of birth, place of birth, Email address, etc.

  • Who benefits from copyright protection?

    The creator of a copyright work, usually referred to as the “author” of the work owns the copyright in the work in the first instance. However, the author is at liberty to transfer his rights to a third party. In such a case, the person who has obtained the right by transfer or other legal means becomes the owner of the copyright.

  • What are the product categories available when registering with NAFDAC?

    The product categories include: Food, Cosmetics, Drug, Medical Device, Agro-Chemicals & Pesticide, Veterinary Products, Vaccines & Biologicals, Herbal and Nutraceuticals and Water

  • Who can be directors in my company?

    Any two adults can be directors in a company.

  • How long does a trademark registration in Nigeria Last?

    Trademark is valid for seven years from the date of application but you may renew the application for the trademark for an additional period of 14years.

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