When do I need a Privacy Policy?

When do I need a Privacy Policy?

March 23, 2020

When you buy a phone, register with a new application and even register on social media we would notice that the session for private policy seeking consent to use the information you disclosed in the application. By accepting the “Privacy Policy “you give the data controller the legal right to use you information in the way stated.

Hence, we can now say that privacy policies are used by data controllers to inform the Data subject of the way and manner in which the data they disclosed would be used.

Accordingly, Regulation 2.5 of the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation ,2019 states that a Data controller must include the following details when collecting datg from a Data Subject;

  1. The Data Subject’s consent.
  2. Description of collectable personal information.
  3. Purpose of collection of personal data.
  4. Technical methods used to collect and store personal information, cookies,
  5. JWT, web tokens etc.
  6. Access (if any) of third parties to personal data and purpose of access;
  7. Highlight of the principles stated in section 5.
  8. Available remedies in the event of violation of the privacy policy.
  9. The time frame for remedy and;
  10. Any limitation clause, provided that no limitation clause shall avail any data.
  11. Controller who acts in breach of the principles set out in Section 6.

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Frequently Asked

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    A company’s first Annual Returns are due for filing after 18 months of its inception, subsequently it should be filed annually as the name implies. The filing dates could differ for each company depending on their financial year end but must be filed not later than 42 days after its Annual General Meeting.

    The Annual Returns for Business Names is due not later than the 30th of June each year except in the year the business was registered.

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    • A limited liability company on the other hand is a separate business entity from the individuals that hold its shares and act as directors. Legally, it’s a separate business entity and a person on its own who can transact business, own property separate from its owners and can sue or be sued. 

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