Introducing The 618 Bees Micro Company Secretarial Plan

Introducing The 618 Bees Micro Company Secretarial Plan

January 27, 2021

Here’s introducing the 618 Bees Micro Company Secretarial plan for businesses not big enough to need full blown legal services or dormant businesses yet to operate fully but wish to remain compliant.

Our Micro Company Secretarial plan has the following features:

  1. Annual Returns filing
  2. Documents Safe Keeping for a year.
  3. Advising on updated legislation in relation to Business Law and Tax Law, and other relevant laws. Whenever there is a new relevant law or enactment of any existing law, 618 Bees shall provide legal update notice to Client with details of the updated content;
  4. Preparation of resolutions in respect of Director’s Meetings, notices, consent, and proxies for Client.
  5. Safe Keeping of Company Seal.
  6. Preparation of resolutions in respect of Director’s Meetings, notices, consent, and proxies for Client.
  7. Preparation of standard Director’s resolutions and related documents pertaining to change of directors, secretaries and registered office.
  8. Legal advice in one (1) matter arising during business operation of Client.

Fee: N99, 650

To get signed up quickly, log on to our website  or email, or give us a call on +2349017190079.

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Frequently Asked

  • Why must I file Annual Returns?

    It is a mandatory statutory requirement under the Companies and Allied Matters Act to file Annual Returns yearly. 

  • Must my Company Secretary be a Lawyer?

    Although it’s ideal to have a lawyer as a company secretary, it is not compulsory for small private businesses.

  • What is an execution clause in a contract?

    This is the section in which the parties sign the contract or agreement.

  • Is there a penalty for late renewal of registration of products with NAFDAC?

    Yes, there is a late renewal fee, which is dependent on the category of the product.

  • Is it legal to transfer the personal data you obtained legally to another person?

    No, its not legal. This is because the law prohibits anyone from transferring the data of a third party to another person without consent from the third party to do same even if the data was rightfully obtained in the first instance.

  • Will my trademark registration in Nigeria protect me worldwide?

    No, all intellectual property (IP) rights which includes trademarks are territorial, which means you are protected in the countries in which you register them.

  • When can I start renewal of the registration of my product(s) with NAFDAC?

    You can start renewal 6 months to the date of expiry.

  • Can my kids be shareholders in my company?

    Yes your kids can hold shares in your company but there must be a minimum of two adult shareholders before kids can be included.

  • How long does a trademark registration in Nigeria Last?

    Trademark is valid for seven years from the date of application but you may renew the application for the trademark for an additional period of 14years.

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