How to set-up/register a Payment Service Solution Provider (PSSP) company in Nigeria

How to set-up/register a Payment Service Solution Provider (PSSP) company in Nigeria

August 28, 2023


  • What Is a Payment Service Solution Provider (PSSP)?
  • Payment Service Solution Providers in Nigeria are the collective number of firms that make up Nigeria’s primary e-payment framework that have been licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to provide a bridging infrastructure, end-to-end electronic payment solutions, systems and services to stakeholders within the financial services space.
  • A PSSP licensee is not permitted to hold customer’s funds or to engage in e-money issuing, wallet services.
  • Payment Service Solution Providers in Nigeria have direct integration into the card schemes (Visa, Mastercard & Verve).


  • Some Major PSSP Companies In Nigeria;
  1. Flutterwave – This Provides a payment infrastructure for global merchants and payment service providers across the continent.
  2. Remita – Enables customers to make electronic payments from any bank account into the accounts of vendors, suppliers and other third parties in any bank or other designated financial schemes.
  3. E-Tranzact – Delivers electronic transaction switching and payment processing solutions across POS, web, mobile, ATMs and cards.
  4. Paystack – This facilitates online payment through its payment gateway and in-person payment through its Point-of-Sale (PoS) Terminal.
  5. Interswitch – An internet-based collections solution that offers end-to-end integrity of all transactions, this could include transactions where the card cannot be accessible.


  • Requirements For Obtaining A PSSP License:
    1. Provision of N100,000,000.00 (One hundred million naira of shareholders’ funds unimpaired by losses)
  1. Preceding 3-year audited financial statements of the company (if applicable).
  2. Escrow of refundable N100m into CBN PSP Share Capital Deposit Account
    1. Deposit into escrow must be in full (one lump sum)
    2. It must be made in the name of the company applying for the license (not an individual or related company)
    3. Escrowed funds are invested in treasury bills, subject to the availability of treasury instruments, which would be refunded accordingly.


  • How To Obtain A PSSP License?

– A PSSP license provides both online and offline payment solutions.

– A PSSP licence is obtainable from the CBN by submitting an application to the CBN and paying the required application and license fees within the stipulated timelines.


Team 618 Bees

618 Bees can quickly and easily help you register a PSSP Company with the CAC and obtain your Operating License from the CBN. Log on to our website or email, or give us a call on +2349017190079/08080819653. 618 Bees will complete your application with the both the CAC and CBN.



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Frequently Asked

  • Why must I file Annual Returns?

    It is a mandatory statutory requirement under the Companies and Allied Matters Act to file Annual Returns yearly. 

  • What’s the difference between a business name and an LLC?
    • A business name is a sole proprietorship, usually owned and managed by one individual only. Legally, the sole proprietor and his business are one. It simply means an individual trading with an alias. The sole proprietor is personally liable for all business related obligations.

    • A limited liability company on the other hand is a separate business entity from the individuals that hold its shares and act as directors. Legally, it’s a separate business entity and a person on its own who can transact business, own property separate from its owners and can sue or be sued. 

  • What is a testimonium clause in an agreement?

    This is the part of the agreement where the witness attests to have witnessed the execution of the agreement.

  • What are the penalties for not registering my products with the SON?
      1. Seizure of goods by the Inspectorate and Compliance Directorate
      2. Payment of a fine.
      3. Prosecution


  • Is it legal to transfer the personal data you obtained legally to another person?

    No, its not legal. This is because the law prohibits anyone from transferring the data of a third party to another person without consent from the third party to do same even if the data was rightfully obtained in the first instance.

  • what does copyright protect?
      1. Music, books, brochures and written materials.
      2. Photographs, drawings and illustrations.
      3. Films and videos.
      4. Logos and packaging.
      5. Computer programs and games.


  • What will happen if I buy the wrong category of forms with NAFDAC?

    Nothing, the purchased form will be in your account for future use.


  • Who can be directors in my company?

    Any two adults can be directors in a company.

  • Will my trademark registration in Nigeria protect me worldwide?

    No, all intellectual property (IP) rights which includes trademarks are territorial, which means you are protected in the countries in which you register them.

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